changing the printer at run time

Hello My friends, I'm trying to change the printer in code but I can not. My code is like this:
    frxImpRemota.PrintOptions.Printer := fdqProdutosIMPRESSORAREMOTANOME.AsString; //Windows Printer Name
    frxImpRemota.PrintOptions.ShowDialog:= False;

So it prints where I want. But if I use the same code to switch to another printer it will not reprint to the previous printer.

1) How do I print to a shared printer on the network?
2) How to print alternately on 2 printers on the network?
3) Any difference if it is a network printer (bematech 4000TH TPC / IP)?

Thank you all ... sorry for the english, I used the google translation.


  • gpigpi
    edited 1:50AM
    Try to use
    frxImpRemota.PrintOptions.Printer := fdqProdutosIMPRESSORAREMOTANOME.AsString; //Windows Printer Name

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