Display the maximum amount of text in the Excel cell of the report
Hi everyone!
There is a report template frx for the Excel version.
In the cell Text9, I get the result as in the cell 90 in the image here - https://prnt.sc/jepkjz
Full text in the cell is Test11 Test22 Test33 Test44 Test55 Test66 Test77
It is necessary that there was no wraping text in the cell, as now (if you select a cell, the Wrap Text option is turned on).
The result should be the same as in the image, the reference above in cell 91.
I tried to set various properties for the TextObject Name = "Text9". WordWrap = "false". But the text is still wraping.
I would be very grateful for your help!
There is a report template frx for the Excel version.
<GroupHeaderBand Name="GroupHeader1" Top="107.95" Width="1247.4" Condition="[testDataSource.testField]" SortOrder="None">
      <GroupHeaderBand Name="GroupHeader2" Top="111.95" Width="1247.4" Condition="[testDataSource.testField2]">
        <GroupHeaderBand Name="GroupHeader3" Top="115.95" Width="1247.4" Condition="[testDataSource.testField3]">
          <DataBand Name="Data1" Top="119.95" Width="1247.4" Height="18.9" DataSource="testDataSource">
            <TextObject Name="Text9" Width="198.45" Height="18.9"  Border.Lines="All" Text="[testDataSource.testField]" Padding="0, 0, 0, 0" WordWrap="false"/>
In the cell Text9, I get the result as in the cell 90 in the image here - https://prnt.sc/jepkjz
Full text in the cell is Test11 Test22 Test33 Test44 Test55 Test66 Test77
It is necessary that there was no wraping text in the cell, as now (if you select a cell, the Wrap Text option is turned on).
The result should be the same as in the image, the reference above in cell 91.
I tried to set various properties for the TextObject Name = "Text9". WordWrap = "false". But the text is still wraping.
I would be very grateful for your help!
- create excel exporter in fastreport
- export to stream
- modify the result with third party library, such as https://github.com/dotnetcore/NPOI
- write stream to file
No, I mean that cell with text must be without wrap text
1. can grow
2. lineheight
3. wordwrap
note: i dont understand with word 'report template frx for the Excel version'
are you expecting the output in excel or screen display
I use my frx temlate for Excel format of the report
In current version of the report for text object I have:
WordWrap = false
LineHeight = 0
CanGrow = false