ShowHint bug

edited 10:22PM in FastReport VCL
If we add a Hint to one page-element (for example TfrxMemoView), then he in 6 version is shown not only for this element, but also at a mouseclick in any place and even outside the page.
In 5 versions it it seems wasn't and everything worked correctly.


  • edited 10:22PM
    Nobody will answer? Where is support?
  • PolomintPolomint Australia
    edited 10:22PM
    Isaev wrote: »
    Where is support?
    These are User Forums. Typically, other users will only respond to you if they understand your problem, or have something useful to contribute. FastReport employees don't regularly visit, so it might take a while to get a response from them.

    If you believe you have identified a bug, you should raise a Support Ticket. To help your case you need to prepare an example of a small program / report that clearly demonstrates the issue you have identified.

    That last point would have helped you here. In future you should consider including screenshots / code examples / sample report to aid the members in solving your problem.

    I appreciate that English may not be your first language...
  • edited 10:22PM
    Polomint wrote: »
    Of course, I have also written here since I haven't found the reference to support, thanks anywhere!
  • gpigpi
    edited 10:22PM
    Try to modify frxPreviewPages.pas:
    procedure FireMouseLeave;
      if Assigned(FLastObjectOver) then
      Report.DoMouseLeave(FLastObjectOver, X, Y, nil, EventParams);
      FLastObjectOver := nil;
      FLastDrill := nil;
      Report.Preview.Hint := ''; //add
      Report.Preview.ShowHint := False; //add
  • edited 10:22PM
    gpi wrote: »
    Try to modify frxPreviewPages.pas
    Yes, thanks. I have already received this answer in support

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