my problem:
I am your documentation information in FR4.6 Programmer Manual and in my Delphi code I create an event
procedure TDataModule1.frxReport_TabCodeManualBuild (Page: TfrxPage);
frxReport_TabCode.Engine.ShowBand (LDataBand);
in this code
frxReport_TabCode.Engine.ShowBand (LDataBand);
I always have an error, it seems that I do not have access to Engine here
Thank you for your help
my problem:
I am your documentation information in FR4.6 Programmer Manual and in my Delphi code I create an event
procedure TDataModule1.frxReport_TabCodeManualBuild (Page: TfrxPage);
frxReport_TabCode.Engine.ShowBand (LDataBand);
in this code
frxReport_TabCode.Engine.ShowBand (LDataBand);
I always have an error, it seems that I do not have access to Engine here
Thank you for your help
Where in your code have you initialised LDataBand? And how have you done it?
Cheers, Paul
like this: and I also have FastReport support informed me that I could not call frxReportManualBuild (Page: TfrxPage) directly from Delphi code because otherwise frxReport.engine causes delphi execption.
I want to make a composite report with several reports of which one of them is totally written in frxReport1ManualBuild.
I block on several things:
if I call in my code delphi frxReport1ManualBuild my report is built well but I can not in this code to make a new page by Engine.newpage (exeption delphi) and therefore more support FR tell me not to make.
if i am their information i try to make this code below without success: