
BJLBJL Brussels, Belgium
edited 3:29PM in FastReport 3.0
FR304 & BCB6

I work on a report including frxChartView. The chart uses LineSeries.
Because the number of series, as well as the number of points per series, depend of the user's choices, I need to add the series and the points dynamically. So, in the FR Chart Editor, there is no series; only the Chart with the default settings.

In the example I use for development, there are 3 series, each with 12 points.

After adding the series and the points, I have a piece of code allowing to check all points of all series (XLabel, YValue). So I know that the 3 series exist and are corectly populated.

The next instruction is PrepareReport. When the report appears, it shows only the gradient, the title, the axes, the label of the X axis, but nothing of the 3 series, except the 3 associated legends.

My question is: Is it possible that PrepareReport remove all series set in the BCB code?



  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 3:29PM
    select the chart object rclck to bring up editor
    add series set type and props and fixeddata
    here is some sample code

    procedure Chart1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
    l2 := Length(yv);
    l3 := Length(xv);

    fcount := currentyearfootercount;
    if (fcount < 12) and (fcount > 0) then
    for indx := fcount to 11 do
    yv3 := yv3 +'0;';

    with Chart1.SeriesData[0] do
    XSource := Copy(xv,0,l2-1) ;
    YSource := Copy(yv,0,l2-1);
    l2 := Length(yv2);
    with Chart1.SeriesData[1] do
    XSource := Copy(xv,0,l2-1) ;
    YSource := Copy(yv2,0,l2-1);
    l2 := Length(yv3);
    with Chart1.SeriesData[2] do
    XSource := Copy(xv,0,l2-1) ;
    YSource := Copy(yv3,0,l2-1);



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