Bug in TDesignerWorkspace.MouseMove

edited January 2018 in FastReport VCL 5
Hi there
procedure TDesignerWorkspace.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
  i, px, py: Integer;
  c, cOver: TfrxComponent;
  ds: TfrxDataset;
  e, kx, ky: Extended;

  function Contain(cc: TfrxComponent): Boolean;
    Result := (X / FScale >= cc.Left) and (X / FScale <= cc.Left + cc.Width - 4) and
      (Y / FScale >= cc.AbsTop) and (Y / FScale <= !!!!c!!!!.AbsTop + cc.Height);
I encountered a bug while perusing the code of the TDesignerWorkspace object. In the Contains sub function the abstop is used of the global c variable and not the local cc parameter to calculate the contain. This doesn't really bug as prior to the call of contain c is made equal to cc but it would bug in another situation use.

Kind regards,
Paul Michael

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