Assign RTF String to TfrxRichView

Fast Report GURUS,

I have several DB fields, which when combined together create a valid RTF format. The resulting string then must be bound to a given TfrxRichView.

The following is my code. Please advise as to what is wrong. The code runs with no errors, but is invalid. Is their a simpler way?

procedure rtfStep07_34OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
lStream : TMemoryStream;
lStr : string;
rtfStep07_34.RichEdit.PlainText := False;

lStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
// Saving string to the stream
lStream.Write(lStr, Length(lStr));
lStream.Position := 0;
rtfStep07_34.RichEdit.Lines.LoadFromStream( lStream );


  • LurkingKiwiLurkingKiwi Wellington, New Zealand
    edited 3:23PM
    The following is my code. Please advise as to what is wrong. The code runs with no errors, but is invalid. Is their a simpler way?

    In what way is it invalid?

    I do something similar with a stream in Delphi XE (not FastScript) for the standard Delphi Richtext component, and found I had to do the following:
    - Ensure there was no leading whitespace before the { which opens the RTF, this was an import issue
    - Convert the string to ANSI 8-bit (not the usual Unicode string)
    - I used ms.WriteBuffer to send the string contents to the stream, maybe there's no other way to send 8-bit characters
    - I had to toggle the wordwrap flag to get the text to wrap after loading

    The RTF is fetched from an SQLite database using a local shim.
    Notes: ansistring;
    Notes := AnsiString(sltb.FieldAsString(sltb.FieldIndex['rtf_text']));
    ms.WriteBuffer(Pointer(Notes)^, Length(Notes));
    ms.Position := 0;
    reNote.WordWrap := false;
    reNote.WordWrap := true;

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