Image Load From Database Cant Load

edited December 2017 in FastReport .NET
Hello everyone who codes. I have a winform appliacation uses Fast Report. In database i have bitmap column for storing image data as byte[]. So in fast report i need to some code works. I have and empty picturebox and i want it to fill with image data from database on creating report. Problem is that i am saving my report informations and after creating record, i will show informations in report works fine. After then if i would want to change to record i am opening record with modify and after modifiying i want to show report again and this time report does not work. Same code gives exception TargetInvocationException when i use report.Prepare() or report.Show()

Here is my code i used in report file

This is my converting function
public Bitmap ByteToImage(byte[] blob)
MemoryStream mStream = new MemoryStream();
byte[] pData = blob;
mStream.Write(pData, 0, Convert.ToInt32(pData.Length));
Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(mStream, false);
return bm;

private void _StartReport(object sender, EventArgs e)
Picture3.Image = (Image)ByteToImage(((Byte[])Report.GetColumnValue("Table.Resim"))) ;


  • edited December 2017
            private FastReport.Report report;
            public Form1()
            private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                report = new FastReport.Report();
                report.Preview = previewControl1;
            private void ShowReport(DataTable dataTable)
                // to reflect changes, you must register/re-register data
                report.RegisterData(dataTable, "Table");

    attach bytearray image to pictureobject
    Byte[] image = (Byte[]) Report.GetColumnValue("Table.Resim");
    using (System.IO.Stream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(image, 0, image.Length))
        Picture3.Image = Image.FromStream(ms, true);

    BTW, have you ever tried this?
    bind picture3 using datacolumn property => Picture3.DataColumn = "Table.Resim"

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