[SOLVED]Chart generation:Null Values

edited September 2017 in FastReport 4.0

I'm trying to generate a line chart that is plotting a graph based on data from an SQL query. The SQL query supplies a date sequence, along with 3 other columns of data (Red, Blue and Yellow shift). This data represents telemetry data on a per shift basis for each day. However only 2 shifts work for any given day, so consequently data is not available for a given shift for each day. These are Null values in the data. The result is that the chart (as generated by FastReport) correctly draws most of the chart, however it zips down to 0 every few days which is completely wrong. See the attached image.

I found this information on the forum, however it does not work for me, and I just get a fragmented chart as seen in the second image.

Ideally I simply want the chart to interpolate from point to point over the days with no data. It can be argued that this is not an accurate depiction of the data, but for our purposes this is just fine and in fact makes the chart a lot easier to read/understand. The idea is to have all 3 shifts plotted on the same chart. By interpolate I mean if data is for example 80, 90, Null, 50 then draw a line from 80 to 90, 90 to 50.

Help appreciated, thanks.

Under the Chart Editor -> Line - Series1 (or whatever series you are working with) settings set:
TreatNulls - tnSkip

Note this will only work if Report -> EngineOptions -> ConvertNulls is set to False. See attached graph

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