Read localization data from resource from stream

edited May 2017 in FastReport VCL 5
I compiled FR language files (*.frc) into a .res file and linked it into my .exe.
In order to read the localization data, I create a file and import that file again, which is a bit clumsy:
vFRlangFile: string;
RS: TResourceStream;

  RS := TResourceStream.Create(HInstance, 'GERMAN', RT_RCDATA);
    vFRlangFile := [temppath] + 'FR_German.frc';
     frxResources.LoadFromFile([temppath] + 'FR_German.frc')

As frxResources also offers a .LoadFromStream method, I'd rater skip creating a file and import directly from stream.
Unfortunatetly, TResourceStream is not compatible with .LoadFromStream method.

Does anybody know how to proceed?


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