Custom Function

I've added a function, that does show up on the report designer's function tab, in my new group 'SimpleLandlord Functions'
procedure TfraReportPicker.btnDesignClick(Sender: TObject);
   frmReportViewer.frxReport.AddFunction('function fmtCur(c: Currency; IncludeCurrencySign: Boolean = True): String', 'SimpleLandord Functions');


On a field on the report changed the code in the OnBeforePrint Event to:
procedure frDsReportAmount1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
       fmtCur(<frDsReport."Amount">, True);                                      

On the form with the report component I changed the frxReportUserFunction to:
function TfrmReportViewer.frxReportUserFunction(const MethodName: string; var Params: Variant): Variant;
  c: Currency;
  if (MethodName = 'fmtCur') then
    c      := Params[0];
    Result := fmtCur(c);

But when I run the report I get the error:
Debugger Exception Notification
Project SimpleLandlord.exe raised exception class Exception with message 'Undeclared identifier: 'fmtCur''.
Break   Continue   Help   

Do you know what I have done wrong?


  • gpigpi
    edited 9:21PM
    if (MethodName = 'FMTCUR' {upper case required}) then
  • edited 9:21PM
    gpi wrote: »
    if (MethodName = 'FMTCUR' {upper case required}) then

    Thanks, I tried that, but I am not even hitting the function: (OnUserFunction)

    function TfrmReportViewer.frxReportUserFunction(const MethodName: string; var Params: Variant): Variant;

    I set a break point here and it never go to it.
  • gpigpi
    edited 9:21PM
    Did you assign TfrmReportViewer.frxReportUserFunction with frxReport.OnUserFunction event?
  • edited 9:21PM
    gpi wrote: »
    Did you assign TfrmReportViewer.frxReportUserFunction with frxReport.OnUserFunction event?

    in the OnUserFunction I have the code:
    function TfrmReportViewer.frxReportUserFunction(const MethodName: string; var Params: Variant): Variant;
      c: Currency;
      if (MethodName = 'fmtCur') then
        c      := Params[0];
        Result := fmtCur(c);

    Is that what you mean?
  • gpigpi
    edited 9:21PM
    Create a small demo project with problem and attach it
  • edited 9:21PM
    gpi wrote: »
    Create a small demo project with problem and attach it
    Thank You, I solved that problem.
    In case anyone wanted to know the logic I was using did not go through the code to add the function.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

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