Two Matrix Overflow

I have a report that has two Matrix objects in the same data band and am having an issue with the objects expanding and overflowing over the band below. If the matrix object on the left expands then the band grows OK to allow the matrix to expand but if the right hand matrix grows larger than the one on the left then the problem occurs, I have attached a screenshot showing this.

Anyone have any ideas why this happens and how to stop it?


  • edited May 2017
    what if you put the second matrix in child band...
  • edited 9:31PM
    If I do that then they are not side by side, see attached
  • edited May 2017
    since matrix object calculate data band height automatically, i guess you may try the order of the object, open and edit frx file directly with notepad, check if matrix1 is earlier than matrix2. If it doesnt work, you have to drop the side-by-side idea.
  • edited 9:31PM
    try to use subreport side-by-side trick....
  • edited 9:31PM
    Many thanks, using two sub-reports has worked

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