Ho to keep dataset active after closing report

edited 10:23AM in FastReport VCL 5
In Delphi, I have a FrxReport connected over FrxDBDataset to a query.
After executing the report, the query dataset is closed when I return to the main program.
My questions:
1. How to keep it open
2. Where could I find information about TFrxReport.buttons lik pbnoclose




  • gpigpi
    edited 10:23AM
    1. TfrxDBDataset.CloseDatasource = False
    2. property Buttons : TfrxPreviewButtons;
    A set of buttons, which will be available in the preview window. The available values of this property are the following:
    pbPrint - printing
    pbLoad - loading from a file
    pbSave - saving into a file
    pbExport - export
    pbZoom - zooming
    pbFind - search
    pbOutline - report outline enabling
    pbPageSetup - page properties
    pbTools - tools
    pbEdit - editor
    pbNavigator - navigation
    pbExportQuick - PDF button
    pbNoClose - close button disabling
    pbNoFullScreen - full screen disabling
    pbNoEmail - e-mail button disabling

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