Setting HelpContext or trap F1 key?


When the users press F1 or selects "Help | Help Contents" while in the Fast Reports designer, I want to display our help topic. How do you assign the HelpContext in Fast reports so it pulls up our customized help? And how would I set it when the user is in the Preview window? (I can't find any reference to how to do this in the manuals or on line.)

Thank you!



  • edited 9:57PM

    Thanks, but that is not really what I am after. Many of our customer sites use web based help so we want to call our central web help file. Is there anyway to trap the F1 key press or other method to call our customized help?

  • gpigpi
    edited 9:57PM
    You should modify FR's sources
    See frxEditMemo.pas
    procedure TfrxMemoEditorForm.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
      Shift: TShiftState);
      if Key = VK_F1 then
    procedure TfrxResources.Help(Sender: TObject);
      i: Integer;
      topic: String;
      {$IFDEF FPC}
      {$note TfrxResources.Help not implemented.}
      topic := '';
      if Sender <> nil then
        for i := 0 to helpTopicsCount - 1 do
          if CompareText(helpTopics[i].Sender, Sender.ClassName) = 0 then
            topic := '::/' + helpTopics[i].Topic;
      frxDisplayHHTopic(Application.Handle, ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + FHelpFile + topic);
      frxDisplayHHTopic(Application.Handle, FHelpFile + topic);
    for example
  • edited 9:57PM

    (I missed this post earlier and just saw it now.)


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