RTF file with page breaks
Hello all...
I have version 3.24.6
I am using this to load an rtf file with one page break:
It successfully loads the file into the frxRichView and shows the report. However, it only show the portion or the rtf file before the page break. I have set the allowsplit to true but like I said...only shows page 1.
What am I missing?
Any help would be appreciated.
I have version 3.24.6
I am using this to load an rtf file with one page break:
RichView: TfrxRichView;
    RichView := TfrxRichView(fr1.FindObject('Rich1'));
  if od.Execute=true then
  if fr1.PrepareReport then
It successfully loads the file into the frxRichView and shows the report. However, it only show the portion or the rtf file before the page break. I have set the allowsplit to true but like I said...only shows page 1.
What am I missing?
Any help would be appreciated.