Print some text without bands

Leo BidiLeo Bidi Montevideo, Uruguay
edited 5:27PM in FastReport VCL 5
Maybe this is a very stupid question but need to print a report with only 2 memotext and variables with bands..

I did it many ways but always had a empty report.

Can this be done ??

Many thanks ...


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 5:27PM
    not clear topic says without bands post says with
    which is it?
  • gpigpi
    edited 5:27PM
    If you don't want to use bands but use data from dataset, set TfrxReportPage.Dataset
    If you have another configuration - attach small demo project here or send it to
  • Leo BidiLeo Bidi Montevideo, Uruguay
    edited 5:27PM
    I am sorry if was not so clear.

    Just want to make a report with only 1 text that says 'THANKS FOR SHOPPING WITH US'.. with no dataset or anything else.

    In my opinon , I dont need bands , correct ? Just a memoview with the text.

    The problem if I did that way is that on design time when clicking the delphi component report and shows preview , the report appears correctly
    but on runtime it shows nothing when doing the report->showreport..

    Hope that this clarify more the problem

    Many thanks.

  • Leo BidiLeo Bidi Montevideo, Uruguay
    edited 5:27PM
    I did it. Just delete the report and do it again and now its working perfect.

    Dont waste time on my question, as I said before, it was a stupid question.

    Thanks anyway.


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