Is It Possible To Have Programmatic Control Of "Edit Page" Dialog?

Our software makes use of "Edit Page" functionality that the Previewer Control has built it. It works well, but there are circumstances where it would be nice for me to programmatically save and close that dialog for the user. I was able to gain access to it via subscribing to the global

event, but I cannot figure out how to properly save the users changes back to the original report and close the dialog. If I grab the DesignerControl instance from the event and use the .Parent property I can get to the DesignerForm and I can call the .Close() method, but that is the same as the user clicking the "X" in the title bar -- and if they made unsaved changes they will be prompted with the usual dialog asking if they want to save first.

If anyone has insight into this I would greatly appreciate it.

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