Page Footer Doesn't Print?

Hi everyone. I purchased Fast Reports.NET last week and love it. One thing that I have run into though is that, no matter what I do, the Page Footers don't seem to print. I do have Printable set to True.

Also, I have one data band that I would like to stretch to fill the unused space. It's actually an area for notes. I've tried anchoring and docking and it doesn't seem to do this. Is this a different setting? I have CanGrow set to True...

Thanks again!


  • edited 5:18PM
    the Page Footers don't seem to print. I do have Printable set to True.
    Could you attach your frx file?
    Also, I have one data band that I would like to stretch to fill the unused space. It's actually an area for notes. I've tried anchoring and docking and it doesn't seem to do this. Is this a different setting? I have CanGrow set to True...
    Could you illustrate with picture?
  • edited 5:18PM
    ipong wrote: »
    Could you attach your frx file?
    Could you illustrate with picture?

    Sure. I've attached my .frx file.

    I've also attached an image of the report. I had to black out some of the data because it is connected to data... But this does show what I'm dealing with. The area at the far bottom (the blacked out area and the date) show when I preview the report, but they don't print.

    The Notes box is what I am trying to get to stretch or shrink to fill the space that is available. Sometimes it may be a lot of space and sometimes it might be a little. I was trying to figure out a way to put lines in the box as well, but I don't know if that's even possible?

    Thanks again!
  • edited January 2017
    use script for the last resort. i made a correction on your frx file, take a look at it.

    1. quick and dirty code, not tested, i don't have data to play with, hope you get the idea.
    2. i do page calculation => A4 = 29.7cm and convert it to pixel, without considering page margin, please correct it yourself.
    3. in fastreport => 1 cm = 37.8 pixel , 29.7 * 37.8 = 1122.66 pixel
    4. in other words, 1 cm = 0.39375 inch , don't ask me why fastreport do calculation like that

  • edited 5:18PM
    Thank you very much for your help.

    The sample that you had provided did resize the notes field, but stretched it all the way to the bottom covering up the barcode and other fields in the footer. I really appreciate your code sample though, because it helped me much better understand Fast Reports. So thank you very much for that.

    I ended up creating another Data Band and placing the Notes in there, which allowed me to resize this band to fill the unused space, however the barcode and other fields in the footer still do not print. Interestingly, if I save the report to a PDF and then open the PDF these fields are there and do print ont he same page.

    I also noticed that saving it to PDF makes everything slightly smaller and increases the margins, so the formatting isn't quite the same. I found that a bit odd. If I line up the bottom of the Notes section from the PDF with the bottom of the Notes section from the printed report, the barcode and other fields are almost off the page.

    I've uploaded scans of both a report that I Printed and a report that I Saved to PDF and then Printed so that you can see what I'm talking about. I populated these with made up data so that you can see the entire report.

    I'm a little confused because I thought that the purpose of a header and a footer was so that data couldn't push them out of the way... That's what I originally thought might be happening and I don't know if that's the case or not because I would think that it would create a second page if that were the case...?

    Thank you very much for your help.
  • edited February 2017
    What about this? I use fastreport demo to play with. Replace C:\Program Files\FastReports\FastReport.Net Trial\Demos\Reports\Simple List.frx with modified version

    note: float b = (29.7F - 2.15F - 1F - 1F - 0.2F) * 37.8F - a;
    29.7F = A4 paper height in cm
    2.15F = Footer in cm
    1F = Top Margin in cm
    1F = Bottom Margin in cm
    0.2F = Extra (rounding issue) in cm
    37.8F => 1cm = 37.8pixel

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