Where is the demo to show how to build client application for mobile platform in FMX framework?

In change logs of version FastReport VCL5 is written:
+ [enterprise] Added new Enterprise demo to show how to build client application for mobile platform in FMX framework - learn how you can build a mobile client for FastReport Enterprise edition.

Where is this demo? Is it really intended to use the FMX framework? But you mean just the Firemonkey to build a mobile app that will consume a webservice a a webbrowser, or a real mobile client using FastReports FMX(which currently does not support mobile apps from what I know)? And again, exacly where is this demo? We have FastReport5, but there are just generic "server" "client" folders for such things. It is somewhat confusing the change log statement. I'd like some light on it.



  • gpigpi
    edited 9:45PM
    See attach
  • gpi wrote: »
    See attach

    Ok Thanks. From the example I can see that it is a simple approach of using a webbrowser in the mobile app... the change log somewhat made me believe there was support for the a native FastReport FMX in the mobile, which is not the case than.

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