Create Memo and assign to band on runtime

Leo BidiLeo Bidi Montevideo, Uruguay
edited 10:55PM in FastReport VCL 5
Hi all. I am creating a new report in FR to update and old quickreport

I have only create a masterdata band with some memoview fields assigned to an dataset.

This report is taking too long to show 10000 records ( about 60 secs ) but in the old system with QR report it takes almost nothing.
( I've also disable the dataset's controls before print )

The diffence is that the QR report creates the memoviev components on runtime .

My question is :

How can I define/create frxmemoview components on my delphi code and assign them to the masterband's report
and where is the best place in my code to create them ?? On the report->begindoc event ? Before calling the showreport event ?

Maybe this is not the problem, so, what could make the report being so slow ??

Any help would be very appreciate.

Thanks so much.

Regards and have a great new year !!!


  • gpigpi
    edited 10:55PM
    See a Programmer's manual "Creating a report form from code" chapter

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