Working hours slip

Hi all,
I want to make a working hour slip where the rows are weeks (1 - 53).
This rows consist of 7 columns, one per dow (sunday, monday...).
The records of the table have date, dow and week values.
So I need to mix columns (day) and rows(week).
As always things get worse. The Record (date and hours) data should be printed in the correct (dow) column.
So, whe the first day of a month is a Friday, the corresponding data should be printed in column 6.

TIA Rolf


  • edited 3:41PM
    I wonder if it is too complicated or too simple.
    Any hint on that?
  • gpigpi
    edited 3:41PM
    Try to use TfrxDBCrossView with DayOfWeek function in the expression for column

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