Barcode not displayed after printing

Hi! I am working on ASP.Net MVC application. I am using FastReport Version "2016.2.18.0" to show datamatrix barcode in report which is generated programmatically. I am using following code for generating barcode:

FastReport.Barcode.BarcodeObject barcode = new FastReport.Barcode.BarcodeObject();

/* This is data to encode in barcode */
barcode.Text = ItemNo + "," + ItemBatchNo;

/* determines whether it is necessary to show the human-readable text. */
barcode.ShowText = false;

barcode.Barcode = new FastReport.Barcode.BarcodeDatamatrix();
barcode.Left = float.Parse(field.FieldPosition.Left.Split('p')[0]);
barcode.Top = float.Parse(field.FieldPosition.Top.Split('p')[0]);
barcode.Width = float.Parse(field.Width);
barcode.Height = float.Parse(field.Height);
barcode.AutoSize = false; /* Disabling AutoSize so that barcode displayed as per width/height specified above */


When this programmatically generated report displayed in view(View in ASP.Net MVC) it's displayed properly in report viewer with generated barcode. I am using following code


But when I click on "Print From Browser" button it redirects me to another tab and after printing report it's not showing generated barcode there. Is there any setting missing in above code? Please give me solution for it.

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