RTF is being rendered differently on Windows 10

As people upgrade their Windows to Win10, we are starting to get complaints about the look of some reports - reports containing RTF via frxRichView element. On Windows 7 (or 8.1) the text looks ok - RTF in the editor looks the same as RTF rendered by FastReport. On Windows 10 machines however the (same) rendered RTF looks messed up - some parts show in different font, line spacing, switched to capitals, or with other formatting stuff changed.

We are pretty sure this is caused by the origin of the text - it was pasted into our editor from outside, from a who-knows-how formatted MS Word document. What is ok in Word might not be ok in RTF. Pasted text contains rtf codes that the simple editor in our sw does not understand. And then there is the FR rendering the report. Not sure whether it uses a DLL somewhere in windows directory or has its own (or the rtf rendering code is compiled into FR).

As we still have been using 4.x version of FR, we decided to try the behaviour with newest version of FR (installed trial version). There does not seem to be a difference regarding this rtf rendering issue.

Please help us understand what is the causing this and how to make the rtf render same as on previous Windows versions (same it looks in the editor).

RTF example, how it looks on Window 8.1 and Windows 10.


  • gpigpi
    edited 10:59PM
    Try to use latest FR 5.5.12 - it works OK for me

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