TSQLTimeStamp on Xaxis in frxChart


I am using an frxChart in an frxReport with a numeric variable as function of a TSQLTimeStamp field which is on the X-axis (bottom axis).
It seems I can only put it on the Xaxis using the 'Text' option, otherwise a get a conversion error (this is because the internal series data are text strings I think).

So Ok, I use the Text option instead. But I see that the resulting datetime format of the original
field does not correspond to the original field DisplayFormat, while in the text elements in the report it does.

I discovered that the frxChart series obtains its data in the form of strings in TfrxDBDataset.GetValue
in the line v := TSQLTimeStampField(Fields.Objects).AsDateTime. It does not use the field's displayformat, so what I get is a default
dd-mm-yy hh:mm:ss format. I want just mm-dd-yy instead.

So how can I control the datetime display format of the x axis labels?

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