Variable indent

I need to produce a report with variable indenting for each row - a bit like a treeview. I don't need lines but I do need to be able to have at three levels of with each row having a glyph, a title, a score, a bar showing a percentage and possibly free text comments. I've attached a jpg of what I'm trying to achieve (apart from the comments - I'm still working on multi line display for each row).
Rpt.jpg 40.2K


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 6:15PM
    hi Roy long time since i've heard from you
    here is some sample code for shifting objects could be object or band use obp events and you will need oap events as settings will maccumulate

    shifting a detail h&v
    savedy, oldy,oldx:double;
    procedure MasterData1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
    oldx:= engine.curx; //horiz
    oldy:= engine.cury; //vertical used only for line1 of detail
    // added to make memo stretch
    if <line#> = 2 then memo1.memo.add('stretched')

    procedure DetailData1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
    savedy:= engine.cury; //get the engines cury and saveit
    if <line#> = 1 then

    engine.cury :=oldy;// shift up
    //shift right could be memo1.left+memo1.width +value for space;
    engine.curx := engine.curx+memo1.width +5;

    procedure DetailData1OnAfterPrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
    // reset the horizontal value
    if <line#> =1 then
    engine.curx := oldx;
    // reset vertical
    engine.cury := savedy;


  • edited 6:15PM
    Almost everything I do is on-screen, and programming is mainly a hobby both of which explains why I'm an infrequent visitor [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":rolleyes:" border="0" alt="rolleyes.gif" /> The code looks promising. I'll try it out tomorrow. It should be simpler for me because I have an indent picked up as part of my query so I can just use designed+(indent * offset) with designed and offset being constants.[/img]
  • edited 6:15PM
    RoyLambert wrote: »
    I need to produce a report with variable indenting for each row - a bit like a treeview. I don't need lines but I do need to be able to have at three levels of with each row having a glyph, a title, a score, a bar showing a percentage and possibly free text comments. I've attached a jpg of what I'm trying to achieve (apart from the comments - I'm still working on multi line display for each row).

    The only way I know how to do this is using Align Left with blank TfrxMemoView(s)

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