Report Height

How could i know the exact report height before printing

I have a Receipt Report, Dynamic, and Visible/Invisible Childs
How to know the exact report height before printing

I have tried the OnBeforePrint of the Page, NOT working


  • edited 10:54PM

    i think u where on the right track.
    if u try this u should get your page height:

    procedure Page1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
    PageHeight : String;
    PageHeight := FloatToStr(Page1.PaperHeight);
    ShowMessage('Page Height in mm is: ' +PageHeight);

    Let me know if this works for u...
    Note; the returt height seems to be in mm (in my case).
  • edited August 2016

    i think u where on the right track.
    if u try this u should get your page height:

    procedure Page1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
    PageHeight : String;
    PageHeight := FloatToStr(Page1.PaperHeight);
    ShowMessage('Page Height in mm is: ' +PageHeight);

    Let me know if this works for u...
    Note; the returt height seems to be in mm (in my case).

    I know the Report height before printing, but that is the height at design time,
    when load the report, and assign the data set (and fill rows), View or hide childs. so the TOP of objects changed, for example, if i hide an object in the middle of the report, the next object will shift up, so the TOP of the object (which shifts up) will be changed.
    The problem is, i can not find an event which returns back the TOP of the last object in the report just (on before Print). it always returns the TOP of the object at design time.

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