Frame around DBCrossView

edited 10:28PM in FastReport VCL 5
Is it possible to add frame around DBCrossView?

I'm trying to add frame around DBCrossView but i can't make it posible, not in a way i would like to be.

I'm using Fastreport demo (v5.5.8) -> report "Several crosses"
It has several crosses put in a child bands with childes that holds titles of a dbcrossviews.

I attached .fr3 file that i changed in a way i would like to be printed.
What I did was:
1. I put MemoView in each child band, and add frames (in "Title" child band I added top, left and right line, and in a "dbCrossView" child band I added left, right and bottom line)
2. I alligned added memoviews to "width" in title child band, and to "client" in "DBCrossView" bands and set "Streched" property of band to "True" and StrechedMode of added MemoViews to smMaxHeight

I was hoping that report would like like this (Title1 and cross1 should be framed, Title 2 and cross2 should be framed):
| Title 1 |
| |
| | cross 1 | |
| |

| Title 2 |
| |
| | cross 2 | |
| |

Instead, between first two crosses, there is no space between frames (because DBCrossView is larger in design vs runtime), and last tho crosses (which are smaller in reportdesign vs runtime) the fram is in the bottom of the DBCrossView. You can see that if you put attached .fr3 instead of original 105.fr3 in FastreportDemo.

My question is: Is it possible to add frames around DBCrossViews so that Title and DBCrossView can be framed and separated from another set of "Title and DBCrossView" or some other bands that can be added to report?

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