Using aggregate functions in the scrip
Fer Castro
Ciudad de M?©xico
Hello all
I am creating some reports components with script and I want add SUM function to one object:
Memo6FEQG := TfrxMemoView.Create(FooterEQG);
Memo6FEQG.Left := 16.20* fr1cm;
Memo6FEQG.Top := 0.00* fr1cm;
Memo6FEQG.Width := 4.20* fr1cm;
Memo6FEQG.Font.Style := fsBold;
Memo6FEQG.DataSetName := 'frxSecEQG';
Memo6FEQG.DataField := 'SumaAsegurada';
Memo6FEQG.HAlign := haCenter;
---> [SUM(<frxSecComEQG."SumaAsegurada">,DataEQG)]
How can add the SUM function to the TfrxMemoView object?
Thanks in advance and best regards.
I am creating some reports components with script and I want add SUM function to one object:
Memo6FEQG := TfrxMemoView.Create(FooterEQG);
Memo6FEQG.Left := 16.20* fr1cm;
Memo6FEQG.Top := 0.00* fr1cm;
Memo6FEQG.Width := 4.20* fr1cm;
Memo6FEQG.Font.Style := fsBold;
Memo6FEQG.DataSetName := 'frxSecEQG';
Memo6FEQG.DataField := 'SumaAsegurada';
Memo6FEQG.HAlign := haCenter;
---> [SUM(<frxSecComEQG."SumaAsegurada">,DataEQG)]
How can add the SUM function to the TfrxMemoView object?
Thanks in advance and best regards.