Connect Report to Dataset

edited 6:47PM in FastReport 4.0
Hi all,
I try to connect a Report to a Dataset.
The Report is a delivery slip that prints Data from several tables. The Dataset is a TFrxDBDataset linked via the dataset property to a Devart IBDac Query that calls a stored Procedure in the underlying firebird 2.5 Databaset.
All this worked, but does not anymore. When the IBDac Query opens it contains 3 Records. The Report is not printed because there is nothing to print.
I stop execution at the point that the report should be printed (print command)
Now I doubleclick on the TFrxReport component on the Datamodule I set up for printing purposes.
The Designer opens, but there are no connections available for the Reportfile.
Closing the Designer and then looking for the TFrxreport Dataset property it's empty.

I am using Delphi XE2 (32), IBDac 5, a Firebird 2.5 Database and FastReport 4.15.

I have tried to connect the TFrxDBDataset to a TClientDataset / the Devart TVirtualTable component. Does not work.

TIA Rolf

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