DataTable as DataSource (in Report Designer)

edited 9:21AM in FastReport .NET

I've created some reports with the Report Designer in combination with an ASP.NET page (i pass a parameter and the ConnectionString to thereport) => that works fine!

Now, I want to use a DataTable (from ASP.NET) in combination with the Report Designer, but I don't know how to handle this. I can only add DataSources from a Database, but i can't add DataTables.

Has anybody the same problem?
Is this possible to use a DataTable in the Designer?

BG Markus


  • edited 9:21AM
    just for sharing, i use fastreport in a different scenario, WebAPI.
    Imports System.Net
    Imports System.Net.Http
    Imports System.Net.Http.Headers
    Imports System.Web.Http
    Imports System.Data.SqlClient
    Imports System.Web.Configuration
    Namespace API
        Public Class ReportController
            Inherits ApiController
            Public Function LoadReport(<FromBody()> ByVal value As integer) As String
                Dim retval As String = String.Empty
                    Dim mySQLConnString As String = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("myConnectionString").ConnectionString
                    Dim mySQL As String = String.Empty
                    Dim myFRX As String = String.Empty
                    Select Case value
                                Case 0
                                    mySQL = "sp_Inv_Print"
                                    myFRX = "~/App_Data/Print_Inv.frx"
                                Case 1
                                    mySQL = "sp_DP_Print"
                                    myFRX = "~/App_Data/Print_Beli_DP.frx"
                                Case Else
                                    Throw New Exception("Unauthorized.")
                    End Select
                    Using cnn As New SqlConnection(mySQLConnString)
                        Using cmd As New SqlCommand
                            cmd.Connection = cnn
                            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
                            cmd.CommandText = mySQL
                            Using wr As New FastReport.Web.WebReport
                                wr.Width = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Percentage(100)
                                wr.Height = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Percentage(100)
                                wr.ShowExports = False
                                wr.ShowRefreshButton = False
                                wr.Zoom = 1.3
                                Using dr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader
                                    Using dt As New DataTable
                                        dt.TableName = "MainReport"
                                        If dt.Rows.Count = 0 Then Throw New Exception("Record not found.")
                                        wr.Report.RegisterData(dt, dt.TableName)
                                    End Using
                                End Using
                                retval = wr.GetHtml.ToHtmlString
                            End Using
                        End Using
                    End Using
                Catch ex As Exception
                    retval = "<h3>" + ex.Message + "</h3>"
                End Try
                Return retval
            End Function
        End Class
    End Namespace
    [b]code for webpage:[/b]
                type: "POST",
                url: "/api/report/loadreport",
                data: JSON.stringify(1),
                contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                dataType: "json",
                success: function (data) {
            <div id="fastreport"></div>

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