GroupHeader Don't Display


I'm using FR4.0 for XE5 VCL C++ Builder. I'm trying to print a report where there are several records that must be grouped, I am using SQL to get a sorted query and then print the data: let me show you an example:

my sql query returns something like this:

ID Name InvoiceNo Cost
1 User1 123 50
1 User1 432 100
2 User2 34 70
2 User2 55 80
2 User2 77 100
3 User3 99 50
3 User3 100 80

I associated the query to a frxDBDataset
I put a GroupHeader Band on a report with the condition: dataset."ID" and the fields dataset."ID" and dataset."Name" and add a MasterData Band with the fields dataset."InvoiceNo" and dataset."Cost"

When I send to "print" the report shows the next result:

1 User1
123 50
432 100

34 70
55 80
77 100

99 50
100 80

It is clear that the groupheader separates in groups my data in a good way but don't display the fields ID and Name for subsequent groups.

Any suggestions???
Thanks in advance


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