Why always A4


I'm trying to create a report that defaults to letter, but always is sent to the printer as A4 unless I use the advanced options on the print dialog, choose Scale and then select Letter instead of A4. And this must be done every time I use the report. :-(

Here is the .frx code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Report ScriptLanguage="CSharp" ReportInfo.Created="04/20/2016 22:13:29" ReportInfo.Modified="04/20/2016 22:20:58" ReportInfo.CreatorVersion="2016.2.14.0">
<ReportPage Name="Page1" PaperWidth="215.9" PaperHeight="279.4" RawPaperSize="1">
<PageHeaderBand Name="PageHeader1" Width="740.5" Height="28.35">
<TextObject Name="Text1" Left="28.35" Width="94.5" Height="18.9" Text="Letter?"/>
<DataBand Name="Data1" Top="32.35" Width="740.5" Height="75.6"/>

And this is how the print dialog shows (see attached image). The printer has been set to Letter before that test.

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