Export to PDF - RichText and text with HTML

edited April 2016 in FastReport VCL 5

I need to create a report with some rich text objects and/or texts with enabled HTML tags (mainly to use bold, underlind and super script).
Such a report is printed without problems, but when I export it to PDF, it looks really poor - rich text is probably exported as a low resolution bitmap.
Poor resolution is only one part of the problem - second part is, that with such "text" user can not work aymore (to select it and copy to clipboard).

Is that possible to export rich text and text with HTML tags to PDF so, that text stays really text?

Problem appers in demo too - with "print optimized" setting, it looks a bit better, but not much better... And the size of the report increases fast.

I am using FastReport 5 in Delphi XE6.

Kind regards,



  • gpigpi
    edited 4:33AM
    Try to use PDF printer or SynPDF (see FR's demos)

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