Editing FR preview

edited 10:55PM in FastReport VCL 5
Fastreport 5.4.4, Delphi XE6

In my app i have a custom report preview.
There are 3 buttons: one for edit the current page, one for add a page and one for delete the current page.
The button that add a page has the following code:


anyway it doesn't add a page. It insert a page before the selected one. I think it should be changed to add the page and another method should be added to insert a page.

The button that delete a page has the following code:


anyway if i try to delete a page i have an exception: List index out of bounds
See the call stack below


Informazioni sul Call Stack:
|Metodi |Dettagli|Stack |Indirizzo|Modulo |Offset |Unit |Classe |Procedura/Metodo |Linea |
|*Thread Eccezione: ID=4252; parente=0; Priorit? =0 |
|Classe=; Nome=MAIN |
|DeadLock=0; Wait Chain= |
|Commento= |
|7FFFFFFE|03 |00000000|004E7935 |oroplus.exe |000E7935|System.Classes |TList |Get | |
|00000020|04 |0019ED20|00DEAADB |oroplus.exe |009EAADB|frxXML |TfrxXMLItem |GetItems |395[1] |
|00000020|04 |0019ED2C|00E4B52C |oroplus.exe |00A4B52C|frxPreviewPages |TfrxPreviewPages |ClearPageCache |423[6] |
|00000020|04 |0019ED4C|00E4E862 |oroplus.exe |00A4E862|frxPreviewPages |TfrxPreviewPages |DeletePage |1488[4] |
|00000020|04 |0019ED58|00E444D3 |oroplus.exe |00A444D3|frxPreview |TfrxPreview |DeletePage |2000[2] |
|00000020|04 |0019ED60|015A59B6 |oroplus.exe |011A59B6|fr3custompreview |Tfr3custompreviewform|JfSpeedButton15Click |294[5] |
|00000020|03 |0019ED6C|00657BCF |oroplus.exe |00257BCF|Vcl.Controls |TControl |Click | |
|00000020|03 |0019EDB0|0083C482 |oroplus.exe |0043C482|JfButtons |TJfCustomSpeedButton |SetDownEx | |
|00000020|03 |0019EDE4|0083BF70 |oroplus.exe |0043BF70|JfButtons |TJfCustomSpeedButton |Press | |
|00000020|03 |0019EE20|00658008 |oroplus.exe |00258008|Vcl.Controls |TControl |DoMouseUp | |
|00000020|03 |0019EE38|00658084 |oroplus.exe |00258084|Vcl.Controls |TControl |WMLButtonUp | |
|00000020|03 |0019EE64|00657679 |oroplus.exe |00257679|Vcl.Controls |TControl |WndProc | |
|00000020|03 |0019EF90|00839029 |oroplus.exe |00439029|JfButtons |TJfCustomSpeedButton |WndProc | |
|00000020|03 |0019EF9C|006572B4 |oroplus.exe |002572B4|Vcl.Controls |TControl |Perform | |
|00000020|03 |0019EFB8|0065BA5F |oroplus.exe |0025BA5F|Vcl.Controls |TWinControl |IsControlMouseMsg | |
|00000020|03 |0019EFE8|0065C00D |oroplus.exe |0025C00D|Vcl.Controls |TWinControl |WndProc | |
|00000020|03 |0019F034|00845F7B |oroplus.exe |00445F7B|JfPanel |TJfSinglePanel |WndProc | |
|00000020|03 |0019F070|0050254C |oroplus.exe |0010254C|System.Classes | |StdWndProc | |
|00000020|03 |0019F088|769C84F1 |user32.dll |000384F1|user32 | | (possible SetManipulationInputTarget+81)| |
|00000020|03 |0019F0B4|769A6C3B |user32.dll |00016C3B|user32 | | (possible CallWindowProcW+763) | |
|00000020|03 |0019F15C|769A653C |user32.dll |0001653C|user32 | | (possible DispatchMessageW+588) | |
|00000020|03 |0019F1C8|769A62FB |user32.dll |000162FB|user32 | |DispatchMessageW | |
|00000020|03 |0019F1D4|0077AD8B |oroplus.exe |0037AD8B|Vcl.Forms |TApplication |ProcessMessage | |
|00000020|03 |0019F1F0|0077ADCE |oroplus.exe |0037ADCE|Vcl.Forms |TApplication |HandleMessage | |
|00000020|03 |0019F214|00776252 |oroplus.exe |00376252|Vcl.Forms |TCustomForm |ShowModal | |
|00000020|03 |0019FECC|769A62FB |user32.dll |000162FB|user32 | |DispatchMessageW | |
|00000020|03 |0019FED8|0077AD8B |oroplus.exe |0037AD8B|Vcl.Forms |TApplication |ProcessMessage | |
|00000020|03 |0019FEF4|0077ADCE |oroplus.exe |0037ADCE|Vcl.Forms |TApplication |HandleMessage | |
|00000020|03 |0019FF18|0077B101 |oroplus.exe |0037B101|Vcl.Forms |TApplication |Run | |
|00000020|04 |0019FF48|02C558EC |oroplus.exe |028558EC|oroplus | |Initialization |1878[39] |
|00000020|03 |0019FF84|76E238F2 |kernel32.dll |000138F2|KERNEL32 | |BaseThreadInitThunk | |

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