Property FillType does not exist ...

edited 4:23AM in FastReport 4.0

After removing & reinstalling my ver. of Fast Reports, VCL 4, Standard edition (ver. 4.14),
I'm receiving the following error (during design time - using D7): 'Property FillType does not
exist'. I've attached a screen shot of the error (.jpg).

For ref, I've uninstalled & reinstalled once already.

What's the best of action to solve this error?


Marc Bolen


  • PolomintPolomint Australia
    edited 4:23AM
    dbbanjo wrote: »
    After removing & reinstalling my ver. of Fast Reports

    G'day Marc, how exactly did you remove the old installation? If you relied on the FR installer you might find there are files left behind. For a reliable install it is best to manually check for (and remove any) the frx*.bpl and fs*.bpl files first. And don't forget the Virtual Store...

    Cheers, Paul
  • edited 4:23AM
    Howdy Paul,

    Thanks for your reply & Excellent suggestion!

    Well, I 'thought' I had done a clean removal of my VCL, ver. 4 install
    (after using the FR uninstall & checking through the Registry, etc).
    A bit of research showed there were old .Bpl files left behind within my
    \Windows\System32 folder (note: running Windows 7 here).

    After the above cleanup all is working normally.

    On a related note, I'm thinking its time to upgrade to the latest
    VCL ver. (5) - Lol ...


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