Help! Child bands visibility for group footer bands never reset.

I have a report that has the following structure:

As you see I have several child bands interchained with the Group Footer and with the Footer Band.
The goal is to conditionally show only the child bands corresponding to fields (SUM aggregate values for fields columns) that have value, for each group footer and for the total of the report.

I use the following event handler for every Child Band, in order to show or hide respective child band based on the last memo from each row value (if 0 hide if not show band)
procedure Child1OnAfterCalcHeight(Sender: TfrxComponent);
if Trim(memGBrutE.Text) = '0' then begin
TfrxChild(Sender).Visible := False;
end else begin
TfrxChild(Sender).Visible := True;

Unfortunately, this works only on the Footer Child Bands.
For the Group Footer Child Bands, it is shown only one band and after that the rest remains hidden, even if they should be visible.

In the picture below you see one result:

See below the way the child bands properties are chained:

Is there a way to solve the Visible property of multiple Child bands for Groups?
We use FR 5.1.9 and Delphi XE

Any help would be appreciated!


  • edited 6:51AM
    Nobody has the same problem with multiple child band visibility?

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