Reportsummary Child - New page


I'm working with Delphi XE8 and Fastreport 5.3.1.

I have a report with a ReportSummary band and a Child band for this ReportSummary.
KeepChild is false.

If the page would change after the ReportSummary so that the child would be on a new page, the child is printed in the footer.

If KeepChild is true. Both ReportSummary and the Child would be printed on the new page.
But I want that ReportSummary will be printed on the first page and the Child on the second page.

How can I do that?

Best regards


  • gpigpi
    edited 1:56AM
    the child is printed in the footer

    Engine.CurY := Engine.CurY + Engine.FreeSpace - Child1.Height - 0.000001;

    in the Child's OnBeforePrint event

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