fastreport app with parameter & print out

edited 8:51AM in FastReport VCL 5
I am developed an win32 application with fr vcl 5 to print out dynamically loaded reports (.fr3). After adding several components & coding the parameter processing the application proprint is ready.
Well, calling the application via a cmd like shown below on my local machine, the report will shown and optionally printout without any problem.
The connection to the database is an ADOConnection. I created the connection object & the connection string in the report, so after loading the report will shown succuesfully.
It seems like all is very fine. Now:

my goal is to call the proprint.exe by another application with parameters (shown below...). And there is the problem: calling the application from another application with a simple call to the proprint.cmd, the error occurs that OCI cannot be initialized. It seems the session is running in a "clean environment" without any variables, provider OLE , ...

Do you have an idea what is the cause or how can I solve it?

start proprint /print /report="test-2.fr3" /rparam="SDGID=MRS-457336-MRS-1;AG_ID=454;USRID=scm;EMPF=103648;ADRID=258583;FA_ID=102"


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