Forcing newpage on Reportsummary clears summary

edited 6:51AM in FastReport 4.0
To make the reportsummary to be printed on the bottom of the report I've learnt to do like this:
  offset: extended;
       offset := Engine.FreeSpace - ReportSummary1.Height - Child7.Height -1;
    if offset < 0 then begin
       offset := Engine.FreeSpace - ReportSummary1.Height - Child7.Height -1;
    Engine.CurY := Engine.CurY + offset;

But when Engine.NewPage is executed summary functions returns blanks on the report.
The summary is built from the detaildataband like: ( [COUNT(DetailData1,2)] ).
if I remove the newpage command the summary works again but the report wont look nice.

Is there a solution to this?


  • edited 6:51AM
    I have to replay to myself - no one have even read this!
    Is my problem of no interest?
    To me it's a big problem as it ia an issue on almost every report.

    Please someone, there must be a solution or at least it would be worth a comment. >
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 6:51AM
    when you force a new page in the summary band you will lose the data because you are already past the eof of the data set
    store the values in a variable at a point where they are available to you ie detail footer and use the variables in the summary band memos
  • edited 6:51AM
    gordk wrote: »
    when you force a new page in the summary band you will lose the data because you are already past the eof of the data set
    store the values in a variable at a point where they are available to you ie detail footer and use the variables in the summary band memos
    How can I do that?

    I created a variable in the Report-Variables-window. I set the expression for the variable from a field in the dataset.
    Ok, I can now store this variable on different places and it will display the value of the field for actual record but in the ReportSummary I don't now how to get a sum of these records. It just display a value from one of the records.

    I added a Footer connected to the detailband and added the variable there but I have tried different ways to get a sum but it will not work for me.

    I suppose I've no idea of how to use variables in this way.
    The only way I know is to create the summation in a script in the code-tab.

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