False display format

BJLBJL Brussels, Belgium
edited 12:27AM in FastReport 2.xx VCL
Working with BCB6 and FR2.53

In a report having about 260 records (printing on 6 pages) and 11 columns (2 alpha and 9 numeric), 4 records show a wrong display in the last column.

All numeric columns have the same display format set in the FRF design (numeric, 2 decimals).

What happens to these 4 records is that the numbers show themselves as devided by 1000 and without decimal (or the last 5 digits and the decimal point are cropped). For example, when col. 7 is 813.88 and col. 8 is 324586.88, col.9 (which is col.7 - col.8) shows -323 instead of -323773.05

The totals by column at the end of the report are correct. And the dataset is also correct.

Any idea to correct the problem?

Thanks in advance.



  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 12:27AM
    does the data happen to be from a bcd field of a tclientdataset?
  • BJLBJL Brussels, Belgium
    edited 12:27AM
    The dataset comes from a query in a local Interbase.
    The relevant fields are processes from original Numeric 15,2 fields in the Interbase table.

    Looking more closely to the produced report, I found that the 4 exceptions mentioned where the only one with a negative amount so long as
    -324 586.93
    using a space as a thousand separator.
    Since I was using a memo width of 13.9 mm with Arial Narrow 8, the width was too short when the number was in bold. This is why the number was cut at the thousand separator.

    I am redesigning the report to fit correctly the 11 columns of numbers.

    Thank you for your answer.


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