Memo [iif(<Page>=<Totalpages>,'T','F'] "False" on last Page?

edited 11:45PM in FastReport VCL 5
Hi there,

i want a certain memo to show a Sum at the bottom of the Page as long as the final Page ist not reached.

This is My Memo With testing Fields:
[IIF(<TotalPages#>=<Page#>,'TRUE'+VarToStr(<Page>),'FALSE: Page'+VarToStr(<Page#>)+' TotalPage: '+VarToStr(<Totalpages#>))] 
//Testing Fields...
Page#: [Page#]  Page: [Page]
TotalPage#: [totalpages#] TotalPage: [totalpages]

And now im getting this weird Results:
FALSE: Page1 TotalPage: 0
//Testing Fields...
Page#: 1 Page: 1
TotalPage#: 2 TotalPage: 0

Page2 TotalPage: 0
//Testing Fields...
Page#: 2 Page: 2
TotalPage#: 2 TotalPage: 0

i know there is a slightly difference between Pages with '#' and without. Anyway it does not work even if i switch between # and without #.

Somehow the Systemvar for TOTALPAGE# das not work when its used in a IIF Expression?

in my first research i found that other ppl. have the same issue but i cant handle their workrounds since im quite newbie to FR... and i dont know what to do... so.. if This SysVar is not Valid for MemoFields and a Workaround must be used to reach the desired results, could someone pls explain what to do instead, StepbyStep?


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 11:45PM
    try adding an extra set of braces here
    [IIF((<TotalPages#> = <Page#>), .....
    also report must be 2 pass report
  • edited January 2016
    OK, i checked 2 Pass in the Setting.

    But for some Reason the Page Header is missing since 2 pass is checked.

    the following code should make the Header invisible if the Page ist NOT Page 1:
    procedure PageHeader1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
    if <Page#><>1 then PageHeader1.Visible:=False;      

    why does this not work anymore? Page Number 1 should still be Page Number 1 IMO >>
  • edited January 2016

    OK my expression now works with that:
    if <Page#>=1
    then PageHeader1.Visible:=TRUE
    else PageHeader1.Visible:=FALSE;

    ty so far

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