Subset Font Embedding

edited 10:45PM in FastReport VCL 5
is there any way to make the PDF exporter use Subset font mode?

using the example exe in this forum
it actually exports embedded fonts as (Embedded Subset) which reduces the file size a lot

also in this blog
you talk about using subset font embedding

is there anyway to turn this mode on when exporting in the latest version of Fast Reports 5


  • jl7jl7
    edited 10:45PM
    i was looking at the export source code to see if there were any hidden switches and found that there was a frxExportAPDF.pas file

    and it looks like it has support for Subset Font Embedding
    is there any reason why there is no TfrxExportAPDF component?

    if we register this is there any known issues with this type of export?
  • edited 10:45PM
    Very interesting. Please inform us if you find more.
  • jl7jl7
    edited January 2016
    After registering TfrxExportAPDF exporter component we can create PDF files sizes much smaller than the normal TfrxExportPDF exporter

    is there a reason why this component isn't in your default export component lists?

    using the normal PDF with embedded fonts was creating a 1,526 KB file while using the exact same report with the APdf component was creating a file at 425 KB

    we haven't fully tested this component but it seems promising

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