Barcodes and UHD Display (4k-Display)

edited October 2015 in FastReport 4.0

on my development-PC I use a 4K - display (Ultra High Resolution). Fastreport shows barcodes very small, all other elements has normal size. If I enlarge the barcode (using the zoom-function), I must enlarge the field-size over the border of the used band. On a PC with a "normal" screen-resolution the barcode was too large.

How can I set up a report with a barcode that is displayed and printed always in the right size on a PC with a normal display and PC with a 4K-display?

See attachments smallBarcode.png and enlargedBarcode.png as example. The small one works fine on a PC with standard-resolution (lets say 1280x1024) but not on 4K, the enlarged works on the PC with 4K-display but is too large on a PC with normal resolution.

I am using Fast Report VCL 4 and added this post by mistake to the wrong area. Can some moderator please move it to the Fastreport 4 Section?



  • edited June 2023

    2023 ..

    we face the same issue on a ms surface notebook if it use the hires display

    with an older (c-entron) ERP (which was made in delphi 7)

    the mail pdf attachment have an oversize and the A4 on it looks like A5.

    the workaround was to use a second full-hd monitor and set this as primary.

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