Bookmarks multi .frx report

From my software I build a report. This report contains different *.frx files which I combine to 1 report.

After adding a .frx file to the report, i call .prepare(true), what means appending, and then adding next one. So far so good.

In every .frx file I have a title. This title has als a unique bookmark set.

Now I want to 'find' the pagenumber and add a hyperlink to the TOC, on the second page of my combined report. I use the expression [Engine.GetBookmarkPage("uniqueBookmarkTitle")]. The result in the combined report are pagenrs 0.

When I change the order of the .frx files, the bookmark on the page before the TOC page is seen, and is working fine. All other bookmarks aren't. It seems that the bookmarks are "forgotten/gone" after the command .prepare(true).

The bookmark is also working and succesfull found when I try to find the pagenumber of the bookmark on the same page in designermode. So I think the bookmarks are working, the expression to find the bookmarks also, but I think I forgot something to grab/remember the bookmarks from earlyer .frx pages.


  • edited March 2016

    Still nobody knows what's going wrong here?

    For example:

    2 reports (.frx files), merged with the code below.
    Only the bookmark in the last prepared report works, other bookmarks are '0'

    Please help, this is customer 2 who want's a table of contents, and until now, it isn't working...

    Code in VB.NET:
            Dim myReport As New FastReport.Report
            myReport.Preview = Me.PreviewControl1
                myReport.Load(IO.Path.Combine(myAppPath, "Tools.Rapportage\Inhoudsopgave.frx"))
            Catch ex As Exception
                MsgBox("Voorblad: " & ex.Message)
            End Try
                myReport.Load(IO.Path.Combine(myAppPath, "Tools.Rapportage\Voorblad.frx"))
                myReport.Dictionary.Connections(0).ConnectionString = "data source='" & myTools.CurrentDatabase & "'"
            Catch ex As Exception
                MsgBox("Voorblad: " & ex.Message)
            End Try
            Catch ex As Exception
                MsgBox("Rapportage: " & ex.Message)
            End Try

    Textlabel for table-of-contents textobject:

    Bookmark names:

    Textobjects with [Page#] expression works fine in merged reports. I only want to build a table of contents.

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