Export to PDF with password doesn't work
I have Delphi 2007 and Fast Report 4.15.13 (last current version) Enterprise edition.
My source code is like this:
PDFExport := TfrxPDFExport.Create(nil);
PDFExport.UserPassword := UserPass;
PDFExport.OwnerPassword := OwnerPass;
PDFExport.ProtectionFlags := [ePrint];
PDFExport.Stream := ReportStream;
UserPass and OwnerPass are string variables (AnsiString). This works fine in Delphi 7 and FastReport 4.15 (release version from 4.10.2013). But in Delphi 2007 and Fast Report 4.15.13 (last current version) PDF still reports error message: incorrect password. Where's the problem ?
Thanx for your help.
I have Delphi 2007 and Fast Report 4.15.13 (last current version) Enterprise edition.
My source code is like this:
PDFExport := TfrxPDFExport.Create(nil);
PDFExport.UserPassword := UserPass;
PDFExport.OwnerPassword := OwnerPass;
PDFExport.ProtectionFlags := [ePrint];
PDFExport.Stream := ReportStream;
UserPass and OwnerPass are string variables (AnsiString). This works fine in Delphi 7 and FastReport 4.15 (release version from 4.10.2013). But in Delphi 2007 and Fast Report 4.15.13 (last current version) PDF still reports error message: incorrect password. Where's the problem ?
Thanx for your help.
Everythink is OK instead of attachment of e-mail using Indy components.
In Delphi 7 I have this code:
MemAttach: TIdAttachmentMemory;
MemAttach := TIdAttachmentMemory.Create(MailMessage.MessageParts, sSource);
sSource is string variable. Everythink is OK in Delphi 7.
But in Delphi 2007 PDF file with password is corrupted - incorrect password. Maybe some encoding ? Maybe new version of Indy components - I have older version in Delphi 7 and new version in Delphi 2007.
Correct code in Delphi 2007:
sSource variable (string in Delphi 7) is now TStream and appropriate constructor of TIdAttachmentMemory is used.
Sorry for wasted your time.
Best regards !