Empty date fields
I use date (datetime) fields with formatting a lot. Works great till the moment the field is empty (database value is null).
Then for MemoView with defined datetime formatting the result is 31.12.1899.
Is there a way to tell the MemoView not to be printed when underlying field value is null?
I use date (datetime) fields with formatting a lot. Works great till the moment the field is empty (database value is null).
Then for MemoView with defined datetime formatting the result is 31.12.1899.
Is there a way to tell the MemoView not to be printed when underlying field value is null?
sett it to plain text and use the iif function in the memo
Date[IIF((<Orders."Sale Date"> = nil),' ',FormatDateTime('mm/dd/yyyy',<Orders."Sale Date">))]
This exactly the way I resolved the problem.
Actually I was looking for some solution that despite of formatting set for a memo, if underlying field/expression/whatever returns null, nothing is '"displayed".
Should I create a ticket to have such functionality to be considered for future versions?