Text Rendering on PDF Export
FYI - I have raised a ticket #330883 because sometime between release 5.3.6 and 5.3.9 the rendering of text on reports by the Export To PDF function has changed.
Reports appear correct in FR Preview Window, but in the PDF file produced by the export fields are truncated on the right-hand side.
May have to revert to v5.3.6 until this is fixed :-(
Reports appear correct in FR Preview Window, but in the PDF file produced by the export fields are truncated on the right-hand side.
May have to revert to v5.3.6 until this is fixed :-(
Standing by...
- Fixed style simulation for Arial Narrow, Arial Unicode MS and Tahoma fonts in the TfrxPDFExport
- Fixed width of monospace font if it embedded into PDF document
- Fixed style simulation for Arial Black font in the TfrxPDFExport
- Fixed CharSpacing > 0 error for haRight alignment in the PDF export
As far as I can see this has made no difference to any of my reports
After this fix
- Fixed width of monospace font if it embedded into PDF document
your error was appear
FastReports was correctly rendering text in PDF exports in versions before (and including) v5.3.6.
- Fixed width of monospace font if it embedded into PDF document
You may use FR 5.3.6 or modify frxTrueTypeFont.pas