MasterData band as a Page Header

edited 11:21PM in FastReport VCL 5
I am using a MasterData band as a page header. I am printing time sheets and the Master Data contains the client and payroll period and other data and then there is a detail employee list printed under that. When the employee list causes it to go to 2 pages then the MasterData is not reprinted but I would like it to. I would also like to reset the page count, which is also printed in the master data section.

These features seem to just be in the header type band, but I don't want 2 bands.

Am I just out of luck and need to put all this in a header band with an empty and skinny Master Data band?


  • gpigpi
    edited 11:21PM
    These features seem to just be in the header type band, but I don't want 2 bands.
    You should use 2 bands. There are no another option

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