Report to SMTP email
Hello All:
At first I was very excited that the report might generate my email and handle tie smtp by itself.
Now I admit I'm just getting frustrated.
Has anyone had any luck with the report to email component.
Export to pdf is working so it is likely that I can write my own smtp.
The error is " Timeout expired 503 AUTH command used when not advertised "
PS> the system was using the ini file first and overriding my settings. Now at least it uses my settings.
A hint or tow would be great.
At first I was very excited that the report might generate my email and handle tie smtp by itself.
Now I admit I'm just getting frustrated.
Has anyone had any luck with the report to email component.
Export to pdf is working so it is likely that I can write my own smtp.
The error is " Timeout expired 503 AUTH command used when not advertised "
PS> the system was using the ini file first and overriding my settings. Now at least it uses my settings.
A hint or tow would be great.
My mail server is ESMTP Exim 4.76. I think the problem is that ESMTP Exim need 'EHLO' command, not 'HELO'.
It is possible that you have the same problem.
Try to modify frxSMTP.pas
procedure TfrxSMTPClient.DoConnect(Sender: TObject;
Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
Change line:
s := 'HELO ' + DomainByEmail(FMailFrom) + #13#10;
s := 'EHLO ' + DomainByEmail(FMailFrom) + #13#10;