Class TfrxDataPace not found

edited 10:48PM in FastReport VCL 5
Hi, I recently upgraded to Delphi XE8. I am creating a new Fast Report using FastReport 5.0 (VCL). I can create a Dataset and connect it to a Database. When building the Report I can add text fields with Fieldnames selected from the DB. However, when I run the application I get the following error!

Debugger Exception Notification
Project prjISReportsVCL.exe raised exception class EClassNotFound with message 'Class TfrxDataPage not found'.
Break Continue Help

Any assistance will be appreciated.


  • gpigpi
    edited 10:48PM
    Try to remove dsk, dproj, dproj.local from your project folder
  • GreatDayDanGreatDayDan Keller, Texas
    edited 10:48PM
    I am having the same problem, but with an existing application.

    Using DXE7 Pro, Win10. FR5 Delphi edition.

    Everything was working while adding to and tweaking the app. Then this error happened.

    I removed the .dsk, .dproj & .dproj.local files. Restarted Delphi, fixed the search path and got
    [dcc32 Fatal Error] fs_isysrtti.pas(581): F2039 Could not create output file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FastReports\LibD21\fs_isysrtti.dcu'.

    Found the work-around for that and then got the 'Class TfrxDataPage not found' again.

    This has happened several times in different projects. I usually have to recreate my reports datamoddule. No fun there.

    Pease tell me that there is a fix for this.
  • gpigpi
    edited 10:48PM
    Check TDataModule.ClassGroup property. It should be Vcl.Controls.TControl
  • GreatDayDanGreatDayDan Keller, Texas
    edited 10:48PM
    gpi wrote: »
    Check TDataModule.ClassGroup property. It should be Vcl.Controls.TControl

    It is Vcl.Controls.TControl.

    Bummer. The app fails to start.

    What else?
  • gpigpi
    edited 10:48PM
    Create small demo project with problem based on standart Delphi's components and send it to
  • GreatDayDanGreatDayDan Keller, Texas
    edited 10:48PM
    gpi wrote: »
    Create small demo project with problem based on standart Delphi's components and send it to

    The demo did not reproduce the error so you were unable to advise me.

    However, if I include the rptShopping code in my datamodule the error manifests.

    Other than the two methods already mentioned is there a method that will fix the issue?
  • GreatDayDanGreatDayDan Keller, Texas
    edited 10:48PM
    This bugger keeps popping up in my existing projects.
    Got it again in a project that I fixed only by recreating a report.

    There has GOT to be an easier way to fix this.

    If I have to I will send you the entire project and database.
  • GreatDayDanGreatDayDan Keller, Texas
    edited 10:48PM
    'Class TfrxDataPage not found'.

    Does anyone know what causes this?
    This is from the Enbarcardo version of FastReports 5.2.

    This little beasty has been giving me trouble for a couple of weeks. Until then, all the reports were working.
    It pops up when initializing a datamodule that has a TFrxReport component. The program cannot continue to run.

    I have a suite of three apps share the database,a lot of code and some of the reports.
    What's really weird is that one of the apps has no problem running a report that another cannot.

    If I remove all reports the app can run. If I create the report in code, the report can run.

    I hope that the FR developers can help me solve this. The alternative is to use a different report generator.

    BTW, can I use FR4 instead of FR5 in Delphi XE7 Pro?
  • GreatDayDanGreatDayDan Keller, Texas
    edited 10:48PM
    'Class TfrxDataPage not found'.

    Does anyone know what causes this?
    This is from the Enbarcardo version of FastReports 5.2.

    This little beasty has been giving me trouble for a couple of weeks. Until then, all the reports were working.
    It pops up when initializing a datamodule that has a TFrxReport component. The program cannot continue to run.

    I have a suite of three apps share the database,a lot of code and some of the reports.
    What's really weird is that one of the apps has no problem running a report that another cannot.

    If I remove all reports the app can run. If I create the report in code, the report can run.

    I hope that the FR developers can help me solve this. The alternative is to use a different report generator.

    BTW, can I use FR4 instead of FR5 in Delphi XE7 Pro?

    I may have found out what is causing this.
    I recently added winSparkle (an update checker that John Kouraklis ported from the Mac world) to my projects. I discovered that my apps, when run on a test machine, failed to start anv raised Error 217. It seems that winSparkle and Fr_Class do not play together well. John has speculated that somewhere up the code chain there is another class named TFrxDataPage. I looked but could find one.

    Here is a test app that shows the error.
  • edited 10:48PM
    Finally I found what is the problem and the solution.

    When you upgrade to XE8, in my case I've upgrade from Delphi 7 to Delphi DX 10.1 Berlin (quantum leap), you forgot to install the version Pro of FastReports.

    The problem comes because in the previous version you use some characteristics of the Pro version of FastReports in the .fr3 file. And in the current version of Delphi you have installed the "Embarcadero" version of FastReports.

    I think that FastReports, when find this situation unregister theses classes to protect his product.

    Here you can find the feature matrix of each version of Fast Reports. Check it!!

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